Projections And Restrictions On Plots

Projections And Restrictions On Plots

1. If there is a projection on the south-east of a plot, the owner will. experience many difficulties and suffer from poverty.

2. If there is a projection on the south-east clubbed with east, there will be no progeny, or if at all it is, it will be very little.

3. If there is a projection only on the south-east cornet there will be monetary benefit, but extravagance is also indicated, besides diseases and legal litigations.

4. If there is a projection on the south-east clubbed with south, there will be family feuds, diseases, mental worry, restlessness and loss of wealth.

5. If the space on the south-east decreases, there will be prosperity of riches, boldness, luxuries, long life, respect and royal honour.

6. If there is a big projection on the south-west, the owner of the plot will suffer most often from diseases, troubles created by enemies and loss of wealth.

7. If the south-west, clubbed with south, has a projection, the owner will suffer from diseases, fear of life and premature death.

8. If the south-west has a projection only in that corner, there will be fear of enemies, loans, litigations, desire to commit cruel and heinous deeds.

9. If the south-west has a projection dubbed with west, there will be a heavy loss of wealth. In addition to it, the owner will spend a lot of money for bad company and deeds. He will be addicted to vices and be arrogant and spend a lot of money owing to lack of tact.

10. If the ground on the south-west is retracted, the owner enjoys honour, riches, social respect, happiness, luxuries, health and development of progeny.

11. If the north-west is more projected, there will be calamities, losses, a lot of expenditure, melancholy, restlessness, poverty and loss of sons.

12. If the north-west is projected and clubbed with west, the owner suffers from fickle-mindedness, royal anger, humiliation, a lot of worries, loss of wealth and sons and also faces poverty.

13. If the north-west has projection only in the corner, there will be loss of wealth, agricultural produce and cattle, increase in the number of enemies, worry from enemies and lack of happiness.

14. If the north-west projection is clubbed with north, there will be poverty, lack of happiness, loss of progeny, humiliation, restlessness and melancholy.

15. If the portion of the plot on the north-west is retracted, one can enjoy all sorts of happiness, viz, riches, luxuries, development of clan, long life, respect and royal honour.

16. If the ground on the north-east has projection, there will be development of progeny, clan, luxuries and riches. The more the projection on the north-east the more increase in wealth, riches and family.

17. The inhabitants of the plot which has more projection on the north east will enjoy a lot of luxury. They become very wealthy and fortunate.

18. If the north-east projection is clubbed with north, there will be more riches, a large income and development in movable and immovable property.

19. Those who live on the plot which has its north-east clubbed with north do not want to spend money.

20. If only the corner in the north-east has projection, the inhabitants become fortunate. They get movable and immovable property. They will be respected and become popular in society.

21. If the north-east has a projection in the corner clubbed with east, the owner becomes famous; his progeny, clan and riches will increase.

22. If the ground on the north-east is retracted, the owner will suffer from loss of progeny and wealth.

23. Those who live on the plot in the north-east become poor.

24. Plots in the south-east and south-west which are projected cause family-feuds, fear of fire and decay of clan.

25. If the south-east is retracted and south-west is projected on a plot, those who live there will be prone to commit bad deeds; they suffer from poverty.

26. If the south-west is retracted and south-east is projected on a plot, there will be diseases, fear of fire and feuds.

27. If both south-west and north-west on a plot are projected, such plot causes prolonged diseases, enmity, troubles created by loans, and sickness, etc.

28. If the south-west is retracted, but north-west is projected on a plot, the owner suffers from prolonged illness of his wife, enmity, mental worry and unhappiness.

29. If the north-west is retracted and south-west; is projected on a plot, it will make the inhabitants commit cruel deeds and suffer from prolonged diseases, fear of life and loss of wealth.

30. If both the north-west and north-east are projected, there will be mixed results. The inhabitants of such place, in spite of having riches, will suffer from prolonged illness.

31. If the north-west is retracted and the north-east is projected, such plot yields all sorts of luxuries, riches and develops clan.

32. If the north-east is retracted and the north-west is projected, there will be increase In the number of enemies, loss of wealth and progeny.

33. If both the north-east and south-east are projected, the former projection gives income while the latter causes total expenditure. At the same time there will be suffering from burden of loans and poverty.

34. If the south-east is retracted and north-east Is projected, such place bestows on the owner health, wealth, progeny and luxuries.

35. If the north-east Is retracted and south-east is projected, such place causes diseases, mental worry, loss of wealth and fear of life.