Directions and their attributes – North East

Directions and their attributes – North East

This is truly a wonderful direction, the benefits of which one can enjoy if used properly. The owner of the North-east is the supreme deity of Hindus, Shiva. The representative planet for the 'direction is Brihaspati (Jupiter), who bestows knowledge and spiritual growth. The North-east generates an extremely powerful axis of magnetic energy, which travels across to the South-west, and it is known as the main provider of overall prosperity, health and wealth. In my experience, nearly 60 per cent of Vaastu principles lie in this highly pious and sensitive direction.

1. It is essential to keep this corner spacious and free of any obstacles that might obstruct the free flow of energy mentioned above. Avoid building a bedroom, store or any room that would hold heavy furniture in this area. The North-east should be kept as open as possible. This will keep tensions and problems far away from the occupants of the house.

2. It is also equally important to keep the North-east clean. This is a. highly sensitive direction, and represents the face of the house. The Vaastu Purush's face also lies in the North-east corner.

3. Make a puja room in the North-east. This is the most pious corner in the house, occupied as it is by Lord Shiva.

4. The North-east symbolizes wisdom and learning, and as such, is a great direction for scholars and students. Hence, this is a good place for placing a study room. The strong energies here improve one's concentration and memory.

5. Positioning a building's main entries in the North-east is believed to be very auspicious.

6. Constructing a toilet in the North-east is a serious Vaastu blunder;

7. this can cause health problems in a family or result in major loss in business in the case of a commercial organization. Also, avoid placing garbage in this direction.

8. Similarly, avoid placing a garage, transformer or generator, staircase, or a overhead water tank in the North-east. All these elements can create problems for the family. However, you can place an underground water tank here.

9. Placing an element of Fire in this area can cause accidents, as this area belongs to the Water element. Any interaction between these two opposing elements creates havoc within the house. As such, never position a kitchen in this corner - it may lead to clashes between family members and cause health problems for the lady of the house.

10. Couples occupying a North-east bedroom may face health-related problems. Moreover, any conception that has taken place in this room can lead to a miscarriage or create fears regarding the birth of mentally retarded children.

11. Make sure that there are no elevated platforms in the North-east. This corner emits magnetic energies, and if it is elevated, these energies are suppressed and cannot flow into the house.

12. A slope heading towards the North-east corner is very good. Since this direction is owned by the Water element, if a slope of water is diverted towards the North-east, prosperity follows the residents of the house. The presence of natural pits in this corner is also very auspicious.